MTV Parody: "How to be Tight"!

Having worked in the Hollywood industry, it was hard to ignore these comical Hollywood and MTV parodying videos once I came across them; they nail the "ideal" that the industry holds aloft for men to rise to. Within this "ideal", men compete with one another to become what, for reasons unexplained, women are taught to use as a barometer to determine who they will melt for, and all those who fall outside of that zone will be treated as subhuman. In these videos, the pieces are all here: the obsession with "LA"; the hypermaterialism; the Volksverdummung (devolution through the promotion of a degenerate "cool"); the minority "coolness" factor and even commentary on the fact that Jews are all over this industry, like a fly on shit. Without further ado, here is How To Be Tight, by Magic Hugs: